
Since Camel 2.10

The camel-twitter consists of 4 components:

The Twitter components enable the most useful features of the Twitter API by encapsulating Twitter4J. It allows direct, polling, or event-driven consumption of timelines, users, trends, and direct messages. Also, it supports producing messages as status updates or direct messages.

Twitter now requires the use of OAuth for all client application authentication. In order to use camel-twitter with your account, you’ll need to create a new application within Twitter at and grant the application access to your account. Finally, generate your access token and secret.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:


Consumer endpoints

Rather than the endpoints returning a List through one single route exchange, camel-twitter creates one route exchange per returned object. As an example, if "timeline/home" results in five statuses, the route will be executed five times (one for each Status).

Endpoint Context Body Type Notice

Twitter Direct Message

direct, polling


Twitter Search

direct, polling


Twitter Streaming

event, polling


Twitter Timeline

direct, polling


Producer endpoints

Endpoint Body Type Notice

Twitter Direct Message


Twitter Search


Twitter Timeline


Only 'user' timelineType is supported for producer

Message headers

Name Description


This header is used by the search producer to change the search key words dynamically.


Camel 2.11.0: This header can override the option of lang which set the search language for the search endpoint dynamically


Camel 2.11.0 This header can override the option of count which sets the max twitters that will be returned.


Camel 2.11.0 This header can override the option of numberOfPages which sets how many pages we want to twitter returns.

Message body

All message bodies utilize objects provided by the Twitter4J API.

Use cases

API Rate Limits: Twitter REST APIs encapsulated by Twitter4J are subjected to API Rate Limiting. You can find the per method limits in the API Rate Limits documentation. Note that endpoints/resources not listed in that page are default to 15 requests per allotted user per window.

To create a status update within your Twitter profile, send this producer a String body:


To poll, every 60 sec., all statuses on your home timeline:


To search for all statuses with the keyword 'camel' only once:


Searching using a producer with static keywords:


Searching using a producer with dynamic keywords from header:

In the bar header we have the keywords we want to search, so we can assign this value to the CamelTwitterKeywords header:

  .setHeader("CamelTwitterKeywords", header("bar"))
